onsdag 31. desember 2008













0點30分:講了晚安之後,就寫了這個Blog entry.

在這裏我想跟所有看到這個blog的人說聲新年快樂。尤其是卡臣劉朗Daniel, 很高興可以在08年回香港的時候跟你們見面。希望來年(應該說是今年,已經過了12點了)再有機會跟你們和其他的網友(Bottle,Eric,Hana,Singer,Snowysoso,Viking,佚名 ,行姐)聚一聚。

tirsdag 30. desember 2008

2008 -> 2009

In 2008, I......

- got married
- switched job
- crashed my car
- met up with an old friend

In 2009, I hope to......

- start a business or go back to school
- passed the SCJP exam
- become a father soon
- lose my "spare tire"

In 2008, I have been to.......

- Stockholm, Sweden
- 重庆, China
- Füssen, Germany
- Salzburg, Austria
- Venice, Italy
- Locarno, Interlaken, Genevè, Switzerland
- Bergen, Norway
- Düsseldorf, Germany

In 2009, I would like to go to........
- Namsos, Norway
- North Cape, Norway
- Cyprus
- Bombay, India

For 2009, I wish that ...........

- the financial tsunami will be over
- my parents can finally retire
- my sister can finally finish her study and support herself
- Coco can get a job, make new friends and settle down in Norway
- a friend would come and visit me in Norway

I hope I am not wishing for too much.

Boring day #2

Not much to do in the office again, posting this song to share, a song that came to my mind at this very moment:

onsdag 24. desember 2008

聖誕交叉BLOG:牛市股神特別醒, 熊市燈神特別多

一年容易又聖誕,最好嘅當然係玩大鐵鎚嘅聖誕交叉 blog 啦。市場維京人嘅第一個 blog 係講股票嘅,喺度都係忍唔住要講下個市。如果冇興趣,可以去 iPhone 維京人 ,睇下最新嘅 SimCity on iPhone 有幾好玩都得,哈哈。

回顧番上年 2007年呢個時候,恆指啱啱由十月份嘅高位三萬二千點左右大幅回落至約兩萬六千點。跌幅雖然大,但睇番 2007年年頭恆指只不過喺萬八點左右升上嚟,一年埋單計數其實升唔少,約有8000 點。既然賺錢咁容易,市面瀰漫住一股好濃厚嘅消費意欲。當其時大家仲覺得個市跌咗咁多,應該差唔多啩。仲有唔少人諗住入貨博反彈。



老實講,雖然阿爺出晒飲奶嘅力撐港,但內地個市其實家下好嚴峻。自己都未攪掂,仲要出多14 招挺港,睇嚟都係望梅止渴居多。特區政府班子其實又點會唔知吖,如果唔係阿唐唐都唔駛走出嚟食碗麵俾你睇,落力叫人如果有能力就適當消費駛多 D 錢。

仲有幾日2008年就會玩完,2009年如無意外第一季應該會如大家估計一樣:衰到貼地。家下有 D 口痕友話香港越衰,阿爺俾嘅 JETSO 就越大。唉,睇嚟回歸呢幾年大家都變咗伸手派。香港仔 (或女),唔該幫幫忙爭氣,唔係嘅話阿爺睇唔過眼最多唔鬼睬你。

小弟一如既往喺自己個 blog 度 講持續睇淡,恆指有機會未來半年有機會見四位數。當大家睇到個市冇乜希望之時,就係名副其實嘅寒冬,至於會唔會係「深寒」,就真係要過埋年先至喇。嚟緊呢年阿爺要慶祝六十大壽,咁就緊係希望可以安然渡過啦。估計2009年會係波濤洶湧嘅一年,因為經濟差同埋救市呢兩大力量會互相鬥法,相信短炒都係小注算數。

喺度祝各位有個愉快嘅聖誕節同埋新年!唔知邊個 blog 會咁唔好彩登呢篇交叉 blog post 呢?

Merry X'mas and Happy New Year! Cheers!

by: 市場維京人

tirsdag 23. desember 2008


Day before Christmas eve, in Norwegian we call today the little Christmas Eve (Lille juleaften).

Party went on till 3 last night. Had to carry a drunk girl to my car, pray that she doesn't puke in my car, and have to carry her to her house. (The whole time I was carrying her I was just thinking about Carson, had him been here, his 42 inch bicept would have been pretty useful). Despite her 42 kg body, it was not an easy task for me.

So I went to the office with only 4 hours of sleep. Shouldn't be a problem consider that fact that I expect today to be a slow day and I should be able to leave early. Only to discover that a crisis was waiting for me. My boss told me to check my email before I even sat down and I realize that some of the files didn't run correctly during the test yesterday. So I have to analyze the files to find the error and then try to fix it. That took me the whole morning. The good thing is that I don't feel a bit sleepy.

Then my boss told me during lunch that the client have to figure out if they can run another test today after I attempt to solve the problem (the error happens when they push 10,000 contract deals into the system at the same time, now that's what I call stress test) So in order to test it again, they have to simulate this scenario and that takes time. As of right now I am still waiting for their answer regarding the possibility of running another test. My boss, who left after lunch, will call me about that and I am to stay in the office until he calls me. Bah!

Most of the people were gone by 2, my boss left the canteen and went straight home for some last minute Christmas shopping. The manager left after a dart game with me and the other people quickly followed. So I have been sitting in the office alone for the past 2 hours and waiting for my boss' call while doing some random monitoring work. It is so boring here that I want to sleep and puke.

Here is a song to cheer us up a bit:

Take on me:

We're talking away
I don't know what
I'm to say I'll say it anyway
Today's another day to find you
Shying away
I'll be coming for your love, OK?

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

So needless to say
I'm odds and ends
But that's me stumbling away
Slowly learning that life is OK.
Say after me
It's no better to be safe than sorry

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

Oh the things that you say
Is it life or
Just a play my worries away
You're all the things I've got to
You're shying away
I'll be coming for you anyway

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

torsdag 18. desember 2008




我们去商场是想去买冰雕的工具。因为ERIK看了电视LOST IN CHINA讲哈尔滨的冰雕,这里的温度也降到了零下8度,他把家里大桶小盆里都装了水拿去阳台冰着,准备周末大干一场。在MAXBO逛着逛着,看到墙纸,心想换个墙纸换个感觉。最近一直在想装修的事,很想试试看。于是临时决定装修我们一间房间,我想把它装成书房,或者会客厅,看个书,喝个咖啡或者下午茶什么的。想想便对ERIK说,你有冰雕玩具,我呢?我的玩具在哪里?找了三大理由,一为娱乐,二为圣诞节装饰,三为家更美观,一箭三雕,好处多多。选来选去,摒除以前墙纸以白黄为主,选了迷人的红酒色,既给寒冷的冬天添抹暖色,又象红木一样沉稳,适合做书房。很好,自我陶醉了一番就买了一堆。




14:00 我们又咚咚咚地跑去商场买了胶水和刷子,询问的刷胶水的技巧,打道回府。






onsdag 17. desember 2008


今天开始了一个新PROJECT, 自己在新公司的第一个PROJECT. 客人是瑞典人, 本来想到用英文跟他谈(尤其是在座有一个德国来的, 来了挪威两年但他的挪威文不比我差), 但全部在坐的挪威人都好像听的懂他说什么, 那就没理由要全村人就我一个吧. 那就只好硬着头皮去听. 后来居然发现我原来也听的懂一点点, 听起来好像挪威语的乡下话. 最后终于熬过了.


Linkin Park 的 "In the end"

tirsdag 16. desember 2008

Perfect Score

Played 501 of dart with my co-worker yesterday. After 8 rounds I have 180 points left (yeah, I am not that good), and then the miracle happened. The first dart landed on triple 20, and then the next one landed right next to the first one, also in the triple 20, and then the third one looks like to end up on the triple 1, but then got knocked back into the triple 20 by the dart on the board. And so I have scored a perfect round of 180 for the first time in my life.

Where is the triple 20? It is that smaller piece of red under the 20, above the bullseye. (The larger piece of red right under the number 20 is the double 20, you get 40 points for hitting that)

Game rule for 501:

1. Aim of the game

Each player starts with 501 points. The number of points collected while hitting a board with a dart is subtracted from the given player's points. The winner is the player who scores exactly 0 points that way.

It is a double out game, which means that players must hit a double that makes their score exactly zero to win the game. We don't play with this rule, otherwise it would be too difficult.
2. Bust

In case of a bust the player's score from the previous turn is restored. There is bust if the following events arise:

* The player scores more points in the active turn, than his current score (subtracting would result in a negative score)

3. End of the game

Players continue playing until one of them scores 0 points in total. The player who does so, wins the game.

If none of the players gets to zero in 20 turns, the player with the lower point wins.

If the scores are equal after 20 turns, the game will continue for another possible 10 turns.

During these extra turns, the player who gets to zero obviously wins. A player with lower score any time after the 20th turn also wins the match.

If the scores are equal after 20+10 turns, the match will end in a draw.

onsdag 10. desember 2008

衣櫃裏的狐狸 by Carson








臨sent出短訊時,沙漠狐偷望到電話屏幕上顯示「豬B [9124 1921]」,
咦?!9124 1921呢個電話號碼......咁熟嘅?!
可怒也!9124 1921係沙漠狐自己老婆Coody嗰電話號碼!

他按電話號碼,按到9124 192第七個號碼時,
才突然驚覺:老婆電話號碼是9124 1927而非9124 1921!


Killer Desertfox聽後,隨手在口袋中取出一張鈔票,把它撕碎,手心一張,鈔票碎片四散風中。


lørdag 6. desember 2008

Red Ribbon


作詞:黃偉文 作曲:陳光榮 編曲:陳光榮

誰人在全世界慶祝之時 在戰火中逃亡等天處置
但我卻正與你 佈置派對營造細雪降下時

* 我已有禮物他有嗎 當我要喝便有茶 不快樂嗎
若然我快樂有餘可轉贈嗎 若與他分享更歡樂嗎

轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網
同時在遙遠處有許多人 垃圾堆中流連饑荒處處
但我卻正與你 吃喝說笑然後跳進了泳池

Repeat *

個個有禮物他有嗎 休假約約下午茶 不快樂嗎
結起紅絲帶提自己 共他分可以嗎

fredag 5. desember 2008


I just remembered that I am suppose to write a post to describe the concept of 同居 (Samboerskap in Norwegian) in Norway.

Unlike HK or US, where people live together to see if they are compatible before marriage, Norwegians get into "Samboerskap" for as long they want. (I have had co-workers who are in this for 20+ years.)

How do you define that? You are officially in "Samboerskap" if you and your partner have the same registered address or you two have a child together.

Interesting enough we actually talked about this at lunch today. One asked if there is a difference between "Samboerskap" and marriage, the answer was simply it takes more paperwork to depart. Other than that, there are basically no difference. Well...... not quite.

If you are married, and you want to file a divorce, you have to split EVERYTHING half half. Where as if you are not married, and if you want to depart, you just have to share everything you accumulate during the time you two are together. That's why people think thrice before they get married.

Among my 20 classmates from middle school. 10 already have children but just three (including myself) is married as of today. So the concept of "Samboerskap" has kept both the marriage and divorce rate low in Norway.

onsdag 3. desember 2008
















mandag 1. desember 2008

Bombay shooting

This email was passed on to me by my friend who lives in Bombay (Mumbai), India.

Written by an Insead student…

Dear friends,

First, I wanted to thank you all for the incredible concern and support that you'll have given me over the past few days which have been among the most emotionally and psychologically draining of my life.

By the grace of God my father was rescued from the Oberoi on Friday with two (minor) bullet wounds and is now speedily recovering. He did however lose the two best friends he was dining with that fateful night (who are like godfathers to me). We also lost a lot of other friends and colleagues and have watched our beloved city reduced to a war zone and brought to its knees.

On Wednesday night, my father and his two friends arrived at the Indian restaurant on the first floor of the Oberoi Hotel for dinner at about 10pm. They had barely sat down when they heard gun shots in the lobby of the hotel. The terrorists, armed with AK-47s, grenades and plastic explosives, had entered the hotel and were executing everybody sitting in the ground floor restaurant. Realizing the situation, the staff of the restaurant my father was in asked them to quickly exit through the kitchen. As the guests tried to rush into the kitchen, one terrorist burst into the restaurant and began to shoot anyone that remained in the restaurant. At this point my father was in the kitchen and along with his two friends rushed to the fire exit. They had barely descended a few steps when they were trapped from both ends by terrorists.

The terrorists then rounded up anyone alive (about 20 people) and made them climb the service staircase to the 18th floor. On reaching the 18th floor landing they made the people line up against a wall. One terrorist then positioned himself on the staircase going up from the landing and the other on the staircase going down from the landing. Then, in a scene right out of the Holocaust, they simultaneously opened fire on the people. My father was towards the center of the line with his two friends on either side. Out of reflex, or presence of mind, he ducked as soon as the firing began. One bullet grazed his neck, and he fell to the floor as his two friends and several other bodies piled on top of him. The terrorists then pumped another series of bullets into the heap of bodies to finish the job. This time a bullet hit my father in the back hip. Bent almost in double, crushed by the weight of the bodies above him, and suffocating in the torrent of blood rushing down on him from the various bodies my father held on for ten minutes while the terrorists left the area. When he finally had the courage to wiggle his arms he found that there were four other survivors in the room. They communicated to each other by touch as they were too afraid to make a sound. My father moved just enough to allow himself room to breathe and then lay still. The survivors passed over twelve hours lying still in the heap of bodies too afraid to move. They constantly heard gunfire and hand grenades going off in the other parts of the hotel. They feared that any noise would bring the terrorists back. After approximately twelve hours, the terrorists returned with a camera and flashlight and joked and laughed as they filmed what they thought was a pile of dead bodies. They then moved to the landing below where they set up explosives. On their departing, my father decided that it was too risky to remain where they were due to the explosives. Along with the other three survivors he climbed the rest of the stairwell, where they discovered a large HVAC plant room in which they decided to take shelter. They passed the rest of the siege hiding in this room trying to get the attention of the outside world by waving a makeshift flag out of the window. They drank sips of dirty water from the Air Conditioning unit to survive. Finally on Friday morning they were spotted by a commando rescue team that was storming the building and were evacuated to safety and taken to the hospital.

This is just one of the countless horror stories that unfolded in those two days. There are many stories of entire families being wiped out while eating their dinner, or young kids losing both parents, or pregnant women being shot while pleading for their lives, or hostages being beaten to death with the butt of a rifle so that their faces were unrecognizable. The terrorists attacked on every level. They killed middle class workers when they shot up the railway station, they killed the elite in the hotels, they killed tourists and kids as they ate in a café, and they killed the sick and dying when they stormed three hospitals. They shot people in the roads, in stations, in hotels, and even entered an apartment building. They killed Indians, Americans, Britons, Israelis, and several other nationalities. They killed men, women, children, policemen, firemen, doctors, patients. This was systematic, cold-blooded, slaughter.

We have lost a lot of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. Every person who lives in South Mumbai has a story about how either they or someone they love either died or had a narrow escape. The true extent of the horror will only make itself clear over the next few days.

Mumbai is a proud city and we pride ourselves on bouncing back from any adversity. We survive and prosper despite all the difficulties placed on us. We are no strangers to terror and have had to pick up the pieces and move on after several attacks. This time however, the sheer scale and audacity brought the city to its knees. The openness of our society, the bustling hoards in our train stations, the vibrancy of our news media, and the thousands of tourists, diplomats, and business leaders packing our hotels was used against us to devastating effect.

In the end one tries to make sense of all this. Barack Obama said about the killers of 9/11: "My powers of empathy, my ability to reach into another's heart, cannot penetrate the blank stares of those who would murder innocents with such serene satisfaction."

Unfortunately, this is becoming an all familiar scene in today's world. While I cannot understand, I recognize again and again the hatred, anger, and desperation of the terrorists and the cold blooded, targeted, ruthlessness of those that dispatch them. They respect nothing but their own twisted beliefs and to achieve them have declared war on an entire way of life. India now finds itself as a major front of this global war.

How do we fight such hate? How do we inject humanity into such monstrosity? How do we convince those who think they kill in god's name that no God would condone such barbarity? How do we maintain our own values and humanity when faced with such hate and provocation?

Over the next week as we say goodbye to those we lost and help those that survive, Mumbai and India will ask themselves these questions. I hope the rest of the world does too.

I will remain in Mumbai for at least a week to help out with various things, after which I will probably return to complete P2 at INSEAD. Right now, though I miss all everyone at INSEAD, I cannot fathom sitting in a classroom.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.


tirsdag 25. november 2008


金融风暴, 人人自危. 偶尔也该乐观一下, 發个好夢.
















mandag 24. november 2008


终于可以跟我这个一年半没见的朋友从遇. 想起我們刚认识时大家都在高中. 八年后大家都有了自己的事业, 还可以一边喝着香槟一边诉说各自的近况, 真的很高兴.

跟他相遇在高中的最后一年. 他刚从印度搬到美国去, 人生路不熟, 跟不上进度(也不能说跟不上, 他高中三年级跟我们高四的读同一班BIOLOGY). 当时我对他那莫名其妙的自信很好奇也有一点厌恶. 明明自己考试都拿F, 为什么还是觉得自己是聪明的呢? 坦白说, 当初是觉得他可怜才帮他. 后来也是可怜他朋友不多而自己时间太多才开始跟他聊天, 一聊就是几个小时. 后来开车上学就算不顺路也载他一起去. 到他有了车之后我还是先去他家, 然后比赛谁先到学校(我们都没因此拿过罚单). 就这样我们慢慢变成好朋友.

在高中我们不算是最好的朋友, 后来也去了不同的大学. 但每隔一会总会给大家一两个电话, 说说近况. 回到老家的时候也相约出来, 吃个饭, 打打撞球, 聊个天. 相反高中时候比较要好的朋友一个一个的失去联络.

到出来工作之后, 见面的时间少了, 但每次见面的时候还是跟以前一样. 由于他要打理家族生意, 所以常要印度美国两边跑. 毕竟还是会找到时间去见面. 最重要的还是有没有这个心.

这次见面是因为他要去德国DUSSELDORF的一个医疗产品的交易会. 而我刚好找到合理的飞机票, 就过去看看他和顺便看看这个交易会. 我终于看到他当年的自信是哪里来的. 面对着那些年纪比他大一倍的人, 就算自己才刚开做医疗产品的生意. 面对那些人, 还是可以说的头头是道. 我打从心底里佩服他. 二十五岁的他, 帮他的家族生意开枝散叶. 从找进口商, 安排货运, 本土的推销, 还要管理财政. 他的工作把他变的成熟了.

须然我们是好朋友, 但我們的确有很多非常不同甚至是相反的地方:

- 他吃素, 而我是无肉不欢的人. (每次找地方吃饭是一个比较头痛的任务)
- 他住印度而我住挪威. (要他来挪威惨过叫他去死).
- 他喜欢单身去泡妞而我喜欢有个家庭.
- 他对电脑一窍不通, 而我读的就是CS

我的朋友, Kunal Mehta.


fredag 21. november 2008


I am going to Dusseldorf to meet with my friend whom I havn't seen for a year and a half. Be back on Monday.

torsdag 20. november 2008



- 一个很冷的地方.
- 好多三文鱼.
- 东西很贵.

反正今天在公司无聊, 就写写关于挪威的收入与支出.

在挪威有很多地方要花的钱的确比亚洲地方要多很多, 但由于个人的薪水平均也比亚洲的要高, 所以一加一减之后, 基本上是一样.


一般大学毕业, 找到一份相关工作, 一般可以有三万块NOK/月 *下同(汇率)

如果没有房贷, 要交大慨三份之一的税. 就会剩下两万.


一般衣服, 由减价的100块一件到名牌的1000+一件都有.

一顿McDonalds大慨要100块. 但挪威人午饭吃两块面包就可以, 一般30块可以解决.
晚饭比较贵, 出去吃起码150块. 如果去好一点的餐馆, 250+ 喝酒就更贵.

租房间, 4000块以上.
租一房一厅的单位, 6000块以上, 不包电.

一般挪威房子每尺2000到5000不等. 在下的房子比较便宜, 2000/尺.
在下买了一个三房两厅两厕的单位, 月供一万二. +2000 物管费.

电: 平均400块一个月, (冬天开暖气比较多).
电话: 手机一般要150/月.

交通月票, 550/月.


一杯啤酒: 50
一张电影院票: 90
的士最低消费: 75 (一般逃不过300块)
桌球: 100/小时
来回中西欧洲的飞机票: 1000-3000
来回香港的飞机票: 7000

根据我一个比较喜欢去喝酒的同事, 他一晚下来要花大慨500块.

电子产品: 香港价格的1.2倍.

5000 房租. (包电)
4000 吃
550 车票
3000 玩乐
2000 其他

一个人生活要剩几千块一个月跟本没问题. 在下一个月平均可以剩8000到10000. (当然, 最后还是会花掉)

* 如果两个人生活, 收入乘2, 但支出不是乘2. 还更好.
* 三万块一个月是初入行的薪水, 往后更多.
* 由于挪威工作只有周一到周五, 朝九晚五, 比较沉闷. 一般亚洲人都会去找兼职. 在下也不例外.
* 挪威没有双粮, 但十二月交一半税, 让你有更多的钱去买礼物/去玩.

onsdag 19. november 2008



有一天, 一个老师带了一个大瓶子到课室. 所有的同学都很迷惑, 老师首先拿出一包石头, 把瓶子装满. 然后问同学们:"瓶子满了吗?" 学生们都说:"满了". 老师摇头, 然后那出一包碎石倒到瓶子里, 还摇一摇瓶子. 到碎石把瓶子装满了之后, 他在问学生们: "瓶子满了吗?" 这次有学生在怀疑, 但是他们还是说:"满了." 老师没说话, 只是拿了一包沙出来, 把瓶子里的空位都填满了, 然后再问学生们: "现在呢?" 大部分的学生都沉默不语, 但有一个学生说:"还没满!" 老师笑了. 最后, 他拿了两杯茶倒进瓶子里. 然后跟学生说: "这个花瓶就是你的时间,你可以用多种方式来填满你的时间.。正像你填充这花瓶,那些大石头就是你生命中不能没有的东西,例如健康, 家庭, 朋友. 那些碎石就是你生活中次等重要的东西,例如你的工作, 房子, 车子. 那些沙子就是生活中的其他小东西.”

有两样东西我想你们明白. 第一, 就算瓶子里只有大石头, 它看起来还是满的. 第二, 如果你不先放大石头, 之后就没有办法放进去了.

有个同学问: "那最后放进去的茶代表什么?" 老师笑着说: "这代表: 无论你认为你有多忙都好, 你总会有跟朋友坐下来喝两杯茶的时间."

mandag 17. november 2008

Lawyer jokes of the day.

Lawyer: "Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "Did you check for blood pressure?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "Did you check for breathing?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?"
Witness: "No."
Lawyer: "How can you be so sure, Doctor?"
Witness: "Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar."
Lawyer: "But could the patient have still been alive nevertheless?"
Witness: "Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere."


Lawyer: "She had three children, right?"
Witness: "Yes."
Lawyer: "How many were boys?"
Witness: "None."
Lawyer: "Were there girls?"


Lawyer: "Do you know how far pregnant you are now?"
Witness: "I'll be three months on November 8."
Lawyer: "Apparently, then, the date of conception was August 8?"
Witness: "Yes."
Lawyer: "What were you doing at that time?"


Lawyer: "Have you lived in this town all your life?"
Witness: "Not yet."


Lawyer: "Doctor, how many autopsies have you performed on dead people?"
Witness: "All my autopsies have been performed on dead people."


Lawyer: "Now, doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesn't know anything about it until the next morning?"


Lawyer: "Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated?"
Witness: "By death."
Lawyer: "And by whose death was it terminated?"


Lawyer: "How old is your son, the one living with you?"
Witness: "Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can't remember which."
Lawyer: "How long has he lived with you?"
Witness: "Forty-five years."

torsdag 13. november 2008


This post is written by Coco and I am too lazy to write it again, so I just paste it here:








onsdag 12. november 2008






人は夢みる ゆえに儚く
人生如夢  所以虛幻無常
人は夢みる ゆえに生きるもの
人生如夢  所以栩栩如生

嗚呼 嗚呼 誰も知らない
嗚呼 嗚呼 無人知曉 
嗚呼 嗚呼 明日散る花さえも
嗚呼 嗚呼 即便是明日黃花

君は帰らず 残 れて佇たずめば
君無能歸  餘者佇行

人は信じて そして破 れて
人相信著  才毀壞
人は信じて そして生きるもの
人們信任  故生存於世

嗚呼 嗚呼 誰も知らない
嗚呼 嗚呼 無人知曉
嗚呼 嗚呼 明日散る花さえも
嗚呼 嗚呼 即便是明日黃花

国は破れて 城も破れて
國已亡  城亦破
草は枯れても 風は泣き渡る
縱然草枯 風仍悠然長鳴

嗚呼 嗚呼 誰も知らない
嗚呼 嗚呼 無人能知
嗚呼 嗚呼 風のその姿を
嗚呼 嗚呼 風的身影
嗚呼 嗚呼 花がつたえる
嗚呼 嗚呼 而花繪著
嗚呼 嗚呼 風のその姿を
嗚呼 嗚呼 風那姿態










tirsdag 11. november 2008


On almost every weekend I would go to my parents restaurant to help out since it is usually busier then. Despite the long drive (3 hours one way) I usually have no problem with it. Pop a CD into the player and before I notice I am there.

On my way back this Sunday I got a little sick of the songs and turned off the player and decided to call up some friends back in US to chat. So I go down my list

- my best friend, lives in India and based on the time zone he should be sleeping right now
- guy friend in Arcadia, don't feel like talk about stocks right now
- female friend 1 in Fremont, phone turned off
- female friend 2 in Fremont, didn't pick up after 2 try
- my aunt in Fremont, didn't pick up

ok, so I have pretty much exhausted my contacts and then a name popped out...

- my ex

it's been a long while, and we broke up after I moved to Norway because she didn't want to have a long distance relationship. So I called her and she picked up.

"who is this?"
"it's me, Erik"
"Erik? Oh hi!"

it was a 50 min long conversation, it ended when she has to get up and I got home already. We pretty much just update each other about our lives and she mentioned how she felt sorry for the way things ended between us. It was her who supported me to go back to Norway since there are more opportunities for me there, but the original thought was for me to go back and work, save up some money and then go back to marry her after a few years. So I did resent her for not having enough faith in me. However, it's all the past now, and I have stopped holding onto that grudge.

As Ken Watanabe had said in the movie "The last samurai": "It was a good conversation"

"Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get" - Forrest Gump

Who would have known? I came back to Norway in March 2007 and so much had happened to me ever since:
March: Back to Norway
April: Travelled to Paris
May: Got my job
June: Bought my apartment
July: Travelled to London
August: Met my wife
September: Travelled to Copenhagen
October: Travelled to Namsos for my 10 year reunion with my middle school classmates
November: Travelled to Hamburg
December: My dad got a stroke
January: Travelled to Tromsø and proposed to my wife
February: Got a part-time job
March: Bought apartment in China
June: Back to China and got married
August: Honeymoon
October: Started my 2nd job

It's like a few years of changes all compressed into one. I should note it down so that I don't forget how special this past 1.5 years has been for me.

lørdag 8. november 2008

Ice rain

My wife called me in the morning while I was working in the office. Finally I got something to do and I was excited. However, Coco was even more excited at work as she told me that it was raining ice. At first I thought she meant hail, but when I go out for lunch it was really a bunch of ice drops that falls down. Hails are usually white and is bigger, these are truely ice and is transparent. I am still trying to figure out how that is possible. Could it be that the temperature is low enough to freeze the raindrops to ice when it arrives to ground level? It doesn't seems likely since the temperature up there would be lower and it would just be snow instead. I am still clueless, but a song came to my mind. "Ice rain" by Andy Lau. 冷冷的冰雨在脸上胡乱的拍...... the winter has come.

lørdag 20. september 2008




tirsdag 16. september 2008


So I drove to my parents on Sunday. The normal 3 hour drive (one way) that I am so used to that I can do it with my eyes closed. Coco would like to focus on her studies so she didn't come with me, instead the Polish guy who is renting my room wants to come along to see the beautiful view of Hemsedal.

During the first half of the trip we saw quite a lot of birds on the road and I have to step on the brake a few times to avoid hitting them (I have killed 2 birds with my car before). So finally I got through the birds and a short while later I saw a cat crossing the road, the cat was quick so nothing happened (I have killed a squirrel before). So we keep on driving and the car in front of me all of a sudden turn the car to the opposite side. Just as I was wondering what was going on, I saw a lamb in the middle of the road, looking lost. He first look at the car who passed him, and then look at me, with no intention of getting out of the way. I slowed down the car and drove by and on the mirror I saw the lamb was seeing us off.

So after 3 hours I am almost home. The whole trip I was talking to the Polish guy about different things, mostly about politics. Just when I was engaging in a heated argument about how Democracy sucks, he pointed ahead and said: "a deer!" and I had to step on the break again to avoid hitting it. The deer start walking off and I step on the gas again to drive past it, only to see a second deer right in front of my car and despite me turning away from the deer, I can't avoid but hit it at the back leg. The impact was small, but still enough to send the deer flying off the road. I was in shock, thus without stopping to check the injury to the deer I continue driving.

It was less than 200 meters away from home this happened, and the deer was unfortunately a little too tall for the bumper. So I hit it with the lamps and they were pushed inward, breaking a tube causing the window washing fluid to be spilled. The cost of damage is yet to be determined, but it's going to cost me....

torsdag 11. september 2008

Erik's traveller magazine, part 3

Venice, Italy
(click on the images to view it in full size)

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The train ride to Venice is about 6 hours. We stopped by a small town called Villach in between. Just in time for me to grab a small lunch. I couldn't eat too much because I was too excited to see Venice. Since we only got half a day in Venice, it makes planning very important and I had been doing that all morning.

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We arrived at Venice Mestre (not the Venice central station) at 1:30pm and as we walked from the train station to the hotel, we noticed most of the shops are closed and it all seems so strange since it is Friday. When I saw the opening hours of the stores everything becomes clear to me. They all take a 2 hour break in the middle of the day. I have heard about that before, but it is just so weird when you see it. The area seems dead but yet it is in the middle of the day.

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So we settled down in our hotel and are now feeling the hunger, we got a pizza from a small place next to the hotel (one of the few places that is actually open, an not to my surprise, it is owned by a Chinese family). So we stuffed ourselves and got some valuable information from the waitress and head out to the city of Venice. There are 3 ways to get there, by bus, by train or by boat (walking is out of the question). We decided to hop on the bus and tour the area while we are in it.

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Our plan is to get a basic tour of Venice by hopping on the boat (which is basically a bus) through the Grand Canal in the middle and end up in the San Marco Plaza at the end of it. Unfortunately we got on the wrong direction and toured the outside of Venice instead. We still arrived at San Marco Plaza at the end, so it was good. Once we got there, it was everything I had imagined. Nice buildings, Gondola everywhere and music playing with people enjoying a nice coffee. After some picture taking we sat down on one of the cafe and enjoy the music and the environment. If anybody wants to get a feel of Europe, this is it. We sat there for half an hour hearing one song after another (sadly, I don't know any of the songs) and we were knock back to reality when the bill comes. 10 euro for the 0.2 liter coke and 15 euro for an ice coffee. Well, it was worth it.

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After that we decided to walk around the city and tour the city at our own pace. We walked by many small canals and souvenier shops. Venice is very different from many cities due to its structure (built on water, boat as the main transportation). Although I have to say the smell by the canals isn't exactly the greatest. Due to the time limit we didn't get to visit some buildings on the outer islands nor the museums. By the time we noticed it was already 6pm and we decided to try out the Gondola tours. Multiple travel websites suggest us to bargain for the price, but then I realize that they have a price set already. They all open the mouth by saying 100 euro, but if I bargain, they would go down to 80 euros and not a dime less. I think that is good since that would limit the unhealthy price competitions. So at the end we hopped on a Gondola by the Rialto bridge.


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Since the sun begins to go down we decide to visit San Marco plaza once more to check out the view at sunset and we took some more pictures. When it is almost dark, we go for dinner. We remembered a lot of restaurants by the Grand Canal at the Rialto bridge so we hopped on one of those "busses" to go there.

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We wanted a seat by the canal, but as it turns out the tables by there are all for four people or more so it was a bit disappointing, but it was okay. The food was good and damn expensive (150 euro tip incl.). We met a couple who seems to be 40 to 50 years old. The husband was from Germany while the wife was from Los Angeles and because we went to the same univesity we enjoyed a nice, long conversation after the meal and since the husband is a photographer he offered to take a picture of us. We had a great time and we left when it is getting late.

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So we took the "bus" back to the bus station and took the bus back to Venice Mestre. Since the bus offered no information about the stations and we had no map of the bus line, we had to ask someone when we were suppose to get off and we ended up getting off a station too early, but my experience with city navigation got us back to the hotel safely :) Tomorrow is another day and another place of our journey...

tirsdag 2. september 2008

Erik's traveller magazine, part 2

Salzburg + Halstatt, Austria
(click on the images to view it in full size)



Salzburg is consider one of the bigger cities in Austria, but it's far smaller when compared to Munich. The city is famous for being the birthplace of Wolfgang Mozart, so you will see many chocolates and souveniers made with his face on it. There is also a castle sitting on top of the mountain that can get a 360 degrees panoramic overview of the city.


We arrived at the trainstation at 7pm so we had just enough time to locate the hotel, check-in, take a breath and go out to find dinner. The city is beautiful at night with the lights casted on the walls of the castle. The city is somewhat divided into 2 by a small river that runs in the middle of the city with quite a few bridges connecting both sides. Coco said that fish is the thing to eat here so I located a restaurant that is still open and just grabbed a fish dish. On the way back I was whining the whole way claiming that all the souvenier shops are closed and that I couldn't do any shopping. (The fact is we still got a whole day in Salzburg for that).


The next morning we got up to catch the train to Halstatt. It is an extremely beautiful town that is located by the lake. A place that isn't widely known to the tourists around the world yet, except the Koreans and the local Austrians. Why Koreans? Because it was featured in one of the Korean drama and that is also why Coco wants to go there.



The train dropped us off at Halstatt station and we had to take a boat ride to cross the lake to the town. During the whole 3 hours we were there we did nothing but just take pictures like crazy and had a wonderful lunch by the lake. By afternoon we start seeing buses of tourists arriving, mainly Austrians and Koreans and we know it is time for us to leave. So we spent about 5 hours in the train while only get about 3 hours in Halstatt. It's worth it if you ask me.




Without taking a rest we head directly for the Castle after we come back. We took the bus to get to the bottom but Coco wouldn't spend the time waiting in line for the tram to take us up, so we decided to walk up. What a mistake that was! After the hike for the Swan Castle, now this. The worst is that the road is slippery with sand on concrete. So we made it up eventually and walked around, did the castle tour and took some very nice pictures from the top. We also saw a supersize music box. I heard how it sound in the walkie talkie we got from them, but I am more interested at how it works mechanically.

We ended up having dinner at another random restaurant by the street and I had some nice sausages. The coke we got was small, just 0.2 liter. No wonder I don't see many fat people running around.





torsdag 28. august 2008

Erik's traveller magazine, part 1

Munich + Füssen, Germany

Germany (Munich, Füssen)

The main objective of the trip lies in Füssen, the Swan castle or in German, Schloss Neuschwanstein. Before that we decide to spend a few hours in Munich for their famous Schweinshank (pig leg). It failed but we managed to find it on our way back. The trains that will provide the majority of the transportations are quite comfortable and are always ontime to the dot. I will count on it in this trip.

The great view from the train ride is very useful to keep me awake through the long rides (usually 3 hours plus). Füssen is even further south from Munich and is actually close to the border of Germany and Austria. Their main source of income will be tourism for the tourists who come to see the two swan castles (the new and the old one). We got to Füssen at around 7pm and our hostel had a really interesting way of measuring distance in their direction. First we saw the sign of the hostel is 100 meters ahead and then 5 minutes of walking later we saw the sign saying the hostel is 50 meters ahead. We found it at the end. The hostel is clean and simple. It seems to me someone had just bought a house and converted it to a hostel. The bathroom is shared but I never had to wait for anyone so I am perfectly fine with that.

We woke up early to try to avoid the ticket line. We reserved the tickets online so that we can guarantee the ticket and the time of entry. It turned out to be a wasted effort since they only open one window to help the reserved tickets while there are 5 windows for the regular visitors. Coco was complaining about the 10 minute wait, but later we found out that we are the lucky ones. We reserved the time for 9:45 entry but the salesperson told us that there are no way we can make it to the front door of the castle ontime so instead she gave us the 10:15 ticket. She was right since the line for the bus was too long so we decided to walk up the path instead. According to the map they gave us it was suppose to take 30 minutes. We made it up in 20 and there are stores with open arms waiting for our money while we were trying to catch our breath. I was restrained by Coco thus the store owners didn't got anything from me, but that was just the beginning though.

The castle looks ordinary from the outside. In fact, we later learned that the construction of the castle was never finished as Ludwig II died before the castle was finished and the construction work stopped at his death. We took some pictures from the outside and then it was already 10:15 so we entered the castle. The tour basically described the interior of the castle but we were not allowed to take pictures. It wasn't particularly fancy and I definitely expected something more from a castle that was built just more than a hundred years ago. There are a few nice rooms, his bedroom, office and the meeting room is nice. The phone in his office was considered one of the first private telephone and is connected directly to the local telephone center at the bottom of the mountain.

After the tour we went through 2 more souvenier stores and my wallet broke open for a few things. Since I collect playing cards I bought 3 decks. 2 for castles and 1 for sights in Germany. After we got out of the castle we went to the nearby bridge for the most complete view of the whole castle in hope of taking some nice pictures. We were disappointed because the castle was under some remodelling and there were fence built on the wall of the castle (the side that face the bridge). Nonetheless the view was great. We walked by the ticket center on the way back and we noticed the 10 minute line had turned to an 1 hour line (if Coco had to wait on that line she would have gone crazy for sure). We went back to Füssen by noon and catch the first train back to Munich to continue the hunt for the pig leg. We eventually found one restaurant that has it and ordered it. It was big and Coco only managed to finish half while of course I have to finish the rest for her. Good that I ordered something small for myself (pork chop). It comes with a ball of sticky rice mixing with potato. Kind of tasteless but goes pretty good with the pork. We still got some time after the late lunch so we walked around a main street in Munich and did some minor shopping. The camera stand was proven money well spent in our later destinations. Our next stop is Salzburg and to avoid getting there too late we board the 4pm train and head out for our next destination.

Overall I am just excited about the trip and the view of the castles. Although we didn't got inside the old castle but it looks pretty good from the outside. Still don't understand why Ludwig II wants to build a whole new one when he could have just live in the one his father has built (one explanation we came up with was that the old castle was not built high enough on the mountain so he would rather build one higher up the mountains for a greater view). There are other cities in Germany that I have not been to but would love to go. I would definitely be back to this place. Hopefully my German will be good enough by next time so that I don't have to play blind deaf and mute.

Belated Olympic

Not that Olympic is already over. Don't forget we still have the olympic for the handicaps. So before the olympic hype is over, let me list a few things to cheer and boo for. I don't make it a top 10 list because I wasn't sure how many I got for each side, and they are not in a particular order either......

Things to cheer for:

1. The drums at the opening ceremony:

It is hard to train so many people to perform something that require so much teamwork. The unity was executed to perfection in the close view and the technique and timing was amazing. They earned my praise.

2. Katerina Emmons

Not many people remember her. So how about this for an introduction: Katerina Emmons, the girl who won the first gold medal in 2008 olympics?

Consider the pressure and the situation, she did a fabulous job. She also successfully avenged the loss of her husband's big mistake 4 years ago (where he shot the wrong target and got 0 point for the last shot). Unluckily for her husband, he messed up again in the last shot and ended up getting 4th place.

3. Michael Phelps, USA

Yes, many people was either dying to see this name on the list. No need for explanation, he achieved something that I didn't think was possible. I am convinced that he is the swimmer who would stand at the summit of swimming history waiting for a new challenger.

4. Nino Salukvadze, Georgia

I wasn't even sure who she was until I saw this video. She has demostrated the true definition of sportsmanship and more importantly, love. Nino, who took bronze in the shooting competition, went over to embrace Natalia Paderina, Russia, the silver medalist after the award ceremony.

Your country is being attacked by Russia (well it was Georgia's fault in a way) and yet she showed no anger and not hatred. This world can use more of that.

5. The Chinese beach volleyball girls

Kelly Walsh and Misty May-Treanor had won 100+ games in a row together. So there was no doubt they would win gold. To my biggest surprise, the silver goes to Wang Jie/Tian Jia and bronze goes to Xue Chen/Zhang Xi. With many other volleyball powerhouses like Brazil and other US teams all chasing the medals. That's what I considered an major achievement.

6. Usain Bolt

This guy left the whole world wonder how fast he could run if he runs his heart out. His response to the showboating criticism by doing the same showboating earned my cheering for him.

Here are what we would throw tomatoes at:

1. The pretender (yes, the girl who pretended to sing a song)

Fake fake fake, why do they need to do that? I ran out of words to condemn them. Such a disgrace to the whole nation and race.

2. Ara Abrahamian, Sweden

Yes, you lost your match, you are pissed, but there are still no way to go crazy and act like a child. You came back and got a bronze medal that many other athletes are dying to get. If you don't even respect the olympic, don't even bother coming.

3. The protests in China

Or I should have put it better: "The LACK OF protests in China". The Chinese government was so kind to offer 3 protests areas and to the biggest surprise they were all empty. There were 77 applications and they were all turned down. Coincidence? I think not.

4. Roger Federer, Switzerland

You just lost 2 Grand Slam finals to the same guy who also took your #1 spot, something that belonged to you for 4 and a half years. You want to focus and choose to live in a hotel instead of the athletes housing. Despite all the preparation, you still lose and even worse, to a guy who has only gotten a set off you in 8 tries. Time to shape up man.

5. Ronaldinho, Brazil

You were the king of soccer in the mid 2000s, but now you are out of shape. You lost your leading role in Barcelona and had to move to Italy. The 3-0 loss to Argentina showed the world that the decision of keeping Lionel Messi and selling you is a correct one.

6. Liu Xiang, China

So you are injured, but why come out? It's not like you injured yourself in the false start. You made the people who spent a good chunk of money in hope of watching you disappointed. If you declared yourself injured earlier, perhaps these people would have bought their tickets to watch the sand volleyball game instead. At least seeing China take second is better than seeing a fake wimp limping off the stadium.

onsdag 27. august 2008

Preview of Erik's traveller's magazine

So I am back from the trip and I would be writing a few entries to share my trip with whoever having the spare time and bored enough to read this blog. My wife, Coco, is still fixing the pictures and the 1st entry of Munich, Füssen, Germany will be up tomorrow. Stay tuned.

mandag 18. august 2008


Will be heading out to honeymoon tomorrow. Be back in a week.

Our schedule:
Day 1: Munich, Füssen
Day 2: Füssen (Schloss Neuschwanstein), Salzburg
Day 3: Salzburg
Day 4: Venice
Day 5: Venice, Locarno
Day 6: Interlaken
Day 7: Geneva

Meanwhile I hope China manage to rack up as many medals as possible to shut the US up. Hopefully China will also have a more respectable closing ceremony with minimal fake stuff.

torsdag 14. august 2008

Head and Hat

There was this saying in Chinese: "If you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a big hat." Why? Because you will look stupid.

And that is exactly what China look to the world now after they admitted that the girl standing in the podium isn't actually the girl singing the song.

After the story leaked out there had been people bashing and people defending. I personally are very against it but I won't bash on it. Here I will simply say why it is not acceptable and how this perfectly served the purpose of showing how China is to the world which was the main purpose of the opening ceremony.

One blogger pointed out that the incident is simply a way to achieve perfection. Since they cannot find a girl who can score a 100 points on both look and singing and a girl who score a 90 points on look and 100 points on singing is not good enough for them, so they take the girl who score a 100 on look and put her on the podium while placing a girl who scored a 100 on singing below. Thus creating an illusion that China has this one girl who looks and sings like a baby angel.

Why? I mean, if you can't find one, then you can't find one. Then it is simply a decision making of which is more important, the look or the voice. Although I still find it hard to believe that out of 1.5 billion people who lives in China that they can't find one that fits.

I hate to think that way, but the girl who stood at the podium, being a childhood star, already have agents and contracts. Is probably rich enough to pay her way to the podium even though her voice stinks.

Going back to my point in my previous post. If you are not ready, you are not ready, and if you can't achieve perfection, don't fake it. It is real, it is live. People can always embrace flaws. You don't have to dress 2008 robots doing synchronous tai chi to earn applause. The 2008 people there doing tai chi may not be 100% synchronous but it sure looks very impressive. With the low expectations the westerner has, anything with honesty and creativity and its original culture is enough to blow them away.

So yeah, I am still rooting for China during the olympics but I sure isn't rooting for the people putting this together and I am definitely turning my back of that disgusting smiling face who accepted the praise for her voice like it was really her singing.

fredag 8. august 2008

Beijing 2888? 8888?

It's just less than 3 hours to the opening ceremony for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Looking back at the 4 years since the 2004 Athens olympics about how much manpower and efforts the Chinese government has put into this event. One must say that this is very important to them (when I see them, I meant of course not the people, I mean, what does people has to do with this right?).

Stadiums were built to host the games, factories were shut down, half of the cars were removed from the streets to clear the air. Even peoples were either asked to leave the city (the ones who are not residents of Beijing) or asked to stay at home so that the streets won't be too crowded. In front of the foreigners and the torch, everyone and everything has to make way.

Is that what olympics is about? An event to please the visitors? Why spend billions of tax payer's money on an event that they can't even enjoy?

If some country has to do so much in order to prepare themselves for the olympic games, the logical conclusion one can draw from this is: They are not ready.

Athens doesn't need to clean up the air, doesn't need to teach people to line up in the bus station. Doesn't need to buy thousand of buses to better the public transportation system. Why? These things are already implemented.

The Chinese people loves lucky numbers. 8 is a good number and that's why we want it on the 8th of August, 2008 at 8.08 pm. I think it is too early. Maybe China will have a better olympic if they host it on the 8th of August, 2888 at 8.08pm. or better yet, host it on the 8th of August, 8888 at 8.88pm.

torsdag 7. august 2008

Old School

There were a lot of good bands in the 80s. This one caught my attention because they are the first band of foreigners singing in Cantonese (with minimal accent too). Here are 2 of the ones I like most.

The band is called Citybeat with John Laudon as lead singer.



My favorite band is Beyond of course.


My wife somehow found a couple of people to rent my rooms a few days ago and they both seem pretty desperate as they were foreign people (one from China, one from Poland) who come to Norway to work as an intern and needed a place to stay. The program is for one year and that suits perfectly with us. Good extra source of income.

So for preparation we had to change the locks, buy furnitures to make sure every room has a bed, desk and chair, clean up cupboards to make some space for them (and that's when I realize I have a lot of crap). 没见官先打三十大板, the security deposit is pretty much already spent. However, it is worth it.

fredag 1. august 2008


After watching this video I just want to migrate to Samoa and be their national team goalkeeper. Maybe I could prevent a few of the goals?

tirsdag 29. juli 2008


Dad just got his approval of retirement due to sickness (he had a stroke earlier this year). Why does someone needs to apply to retire? Because you will get money from the government for the rest of your life. The process is just to verify that you really can't work and not just being lazy.

So he started to plan what he would do after he stops working. Besides traveling, there really isn't much that he can do. During his life, because of work, he really doesn't have a hobby or something that he can develop on. Luckily he gets to spend half a year in HK without losing his benefits. So half of the time is taken care of. As for the other half of the time that he is in Norway. We are still trying to figure it out. So my suggestions is for him to do some traveling with mom. So that mom gets to take a good look at Norway (and the rest of Europe)

The restaurant.... I am going to miss it.

This week I will pretty much be Tchaikovski. The chef at our restaurant is quitting so I have to drive him from a the bus station to the airport. The new chef is arriving so I have to drive him from the airport to the bus station. Last but not least, my sister will be coming to Norway to celebrate my birthday this weekend so I have to pick her up from the airport. I wish she could stay in Oslo longer, but but.....

Found these pictures in my camera, this is where we said "I do":

torsdag 24. juli 2008


Yesterday I decided to clean up my huge pile of clothes that had been lying on my desk and chair. I soon realize that I had too many clothes and so I had to make the decision on whether I would keep it or throw it. So I pick them up one by one and ask my wife if I should throw. She would either say: "yeah, throw it." or "nah, it looks good on you." Then I picked up a green sweater and asked her: "what about this one?" and she looked at me all sad and said: "I bought this one as your birthday present!" (note. my birthday is next month but I got them from her a week ago. I already forgot.) After calming her down I placed the sweater along with other seldom wear clothes she bought for me into the shelf next to bottom, below the jeans/pants).

After arranging the clothes to the shelves inside my closet I realize that I can adjust the height of the shelves. So I told my wife: "wow, I just realize that I can adjust the height of the shelves. I can lower the shelf for the jeans/pants to get more space and take away some space for the garbage." (note. I was pointing at the shelf of the clothes she bought me as I said that.) and then it took me the rest of the night to convince her that she misunderstood what I said.

She has a good sense of humor so everything was fine.

onsdag 23. juli 2008

三國志 vs 三國演義

My blog friend Laulong has a post about 三國演義 joke. Makes me all itchy because if it wasn't for this book, I wouldn't be reading Chinese today. My dad gave me this book when I was in Norway and because the story was so interesting I kept reading it and looked up dictionary for words that I do not know. Thus kept my interest in Chinese growing.

People has said, the book 三國演義 is 70% true, and 30% false.
Here I pointed out a few parts in 三國演義 that is not exactly the same as the true history of the three kingdoms.

- Chapter 2: It was 劉備 who beat 督邮, not 張飛.
- Chapter 5: 温酒斬華雄 never happened. 華雄 was killed in battle (not 1 vs 1) with 孫坚.
- Chapter 25: 斬颜良诛文醜, 关羽 never killed 文醜 himself, 文醜 died in army battle with 曹操.
- Chapter 46: 草船借箭 is 孫權, not 诸葛亮.
- Chapter 49: 诸葛亮 didn't "borrow" southeast wind. He knew the wind would come around that time of every year.
- Chapter 75: 華驼 never help 关羽 刮骨疗伤. He was killed by 曹操 before 赤壁之戰. He was 曹操's doctor though, in the storybook he was killed by 曹操 after 关羽 died.

They were from a book I read which the author read the "Romance of the three kingdoms" and try to find the information from the history books and thus drawing those conclusions.

My dreams has always been to visit the remaining sites in China. It should be relatively easy since my wife is from 重庆 and that's where 張飛 was located.



It's amazing how newspaper can bend the truth in such a way that even a kid can realize they are false:

曾 蔭 權 豪 擲 一 百 一 十 億 元 派 糖 亦 未 能 為 其 插 水 下 跌 的 民 望 止 血 , 其 評 分 及 支 持 度 雙 雙 再 創 新 低 ! 香 港 大 學 民 意 研 究 計 劃 的 最 新 調 查 顯 示 , 曾 蔭 權 的 評 分 跌 至 五 十 四 點 五 分 , 較 本 月 初 時 的 調 查 再 跌 一 點 四 分 , 是 該 計 劃 自 九 七 年 開 始 調 查 曾 蔭 權 民 望 以 來 的 最 低 紀 錄 。 民 意 研 究 計 劃 主 任 鍾 庭 耀 及 立 法 會 議 員 劉 慧 卿 都 直 言 , 曾 蔭 權 用 逾 百 億 元 做 紓 困 措 施 , 但 民 望 仍 然 繼 續 插 水 , 反 映 政 府 管 治 好 有 問 題 。

港 大 民 意 研 究 計 劃 在 本 月 十 四 至 十 六 日 成 功 以 電 話 訪 問 了 一 千 一 百 八 十 一 名 市 民 , 訪 問 了 他 們 對 曾 蔭 權 及 特 區 政 府 的 評 價 , 其 中 本 月 十 六 日 正 是 曾 蔭 權 公 布 大 灑 一 百 一 十 億 元 , 提 出 十 項 派 糖 措 施 的 日 子 。

The polling was from July 14th to July 16th, but the new financial plan came out on July 16th. So even if EVERYBODY knows about it already at July 16th. It would still only affect the poll result by 1/3. Let's not forget, even if they called 1 person and got an answer on July 16th, they can claim that the phone polling lasted till the 16th. I call this bullshit.

However, doesn't really mean Donald's rating will rise after that, just that there are really no point to purposely bash something in order to get publicity. Donald is stupid and that's a fact. To find things to bash about him doesn't require too much effort. Just unnecessary.

tirsdag 22. juli 2008


Summer time is boring here in Norway since 90% of the people goes out for vacation. While I was working on nothing and start thinking about the money that I lost in the stock market lately, I just want to do something to make it back. A thought came up......

Start an online store! Again!

Yes, I have done that before and more than once. There are three ebay stores out there that I have once been part of and 1 big one that I used to work for. However, now that I am alone in Norway it definitely would be a challenge to start over especially when facing a different market and a whole new business model.

My superstitious mom told me that if I make any big move before I turn 34, I will fall very hard and lose everything, but then if I just sit around and wait for the x amount of years till then, how am I suppose to be successful? Dilemma.

Took some wedding pictures, here is a couple to share.


Here is our main destination for our honeymoon: (too bad we can't live there)

onsdag 7. mai 2008

Stockholm 4 day trip

There was a few "excuses" of why I decided to go to Stockholm even though I should be saving every single penny for my wedding.

- My friend/roommate/colleague is moving away from Norway to Dubai and during his 9 month stay, he hasn't seen too many places.
- I desperately need a break after working my butt off for the last 2 months.

Why stockholm? It is close by, things are relatively cheaper and I thought (turned out to be false) that I can claim the sales tax back when I leave the country.

I had been to stockholm before but last time was for a conference and I only got half a day to do sightseeing, so this is my official stockholm trip.

We didn't really do much there. Since my friend is too lazy to walk around. So basically we covered the old town, most of the major shopping malls and the technical museum.

The fat picture of me you saw is obviously from the technical museum in front of a concave mirror.

Since it was the end of April, the sun didn't go down until 8:30pm and it was just nice to sit outside at a local restaurant and have a beer and enjoy the sunset.

The wide building with flowers in front is the Nobel museum (we were too lazy to go in) and it used to be the Swedish stock exchange.

Walking down the street in old town really feels like the 14th century with those stone roads plus gutters on the side. This doesn't exist in Norway.

I have also taken pictures of the metro map and the metro. It is old and shaky, not too comfortable if you ask me. Although it is better than Norway in the fact that it comes every 10 minutes instead of every 15.

I was fortunate enough to run into a Chinese demostration in Stockholm during the third day. They were mainly students from all over Sweden coming over to show their support for the Beijing olympics. I will post some pictures in my next post.