søndag 27. mars 2011

The only thing that doesn't change is change itself

还记得去年这时候正在换工作,换房子,迎接小宝宝的来临. 好像把原有的生活扔了然后再从新编写一个新的. 现在看来差不多又要来一次改变了.



省回来的时间,用来开公司,做市场调查. 然后就是把握时间多考certification, 增加自己在公司升职的筹码.

对, 我又要开公司了. 跟六年前比,我觉得自己相对比较成熟,应该不会再犯从前的错误. Partner是同龄人, 资金比上次充裕. 牌面比六年前强. Challenge是我没有这方面的经验,会的完全是在学校学的,已经七年没用过的知识了. 然后就是我要做Sales,而且是要用挪威语. 虽然是很大的挑战,但同时也是对我的一个很好锻炼. 就趁自己还年青,多建立一些终身受用的经验吧.(我也不能一直说我"还年青"了, 再过几个月我就要转字头了)

小宝宝刚过了8个月, 8.08KG, 72.3CM. 跟同龄的小朋友比是比较瘦,但除此以外并没有什么问题.所以我们也不在意.在下六岁的时候才18KG,现在还不都是个大胖子(肚子的轮胎挥之不去)

牙还没长,但看到牙肉肿了,快出牙的迹象都有齐了,只欠牙齿. 现在会坐,会翻身,会往后爬(双手腿地板,但力不够,不能把自己往前拉,手脚还没协调好). 高兴会拍手,会一直讲dadadadada, 如果他能把d改成b和m就好了.

老婆在公司忙过不停,但在中国人的公司,忙总比没事情做好.短短两个月她在组里面的重要行已经到达不能放假的地步,原因是没有其他人可以接替她的工作(组长可以,但她不想无故增加工作量).她个人也觉得自己的生活充实了很多. 累是当然的了,但这也是一个很好的锻炼,尤其是对于没有正式工作过的她.


fredag 25. mars 2011

A few thoughts (2)

Daily rambling....


Valkyrie is a good movie. Too bad the plot failed at the end. I like the pirate look of Tom Cruise though.


Coco's cousin is a big fan of Brad Pitt, so for the past few days she has been watching a movie of him each day. The following is a list of movie with him and I highly recommend them to everyone:

- Spy Game
- 7 Years in Tibet
- Troy
- Ocean's 11, 12, 13 (Well, George is the main actor, but Brad still rocks)


I am done with restaurant. I am going to submit my resignation letter befor the end of this month.

Not that my huge argument with Michelle has nothing to do with this, but she is the owner's wife, and if she wants it that way, so be it. I wanted to leave this year sooner or later, as it turns out, it is sooner.

Despite everything, Chi is still a great place to work for. Props for the owner and the employees to keep it that way.


Life after restaurant, I think I will occupy it with some certification studying for work. Do some exercize with Coco so that we both can get back to shape, spend more time with Terry, and get ready to start the business.


Still debating if I should go to the Easter trip. It is going to cost around 20k, but if I don't go, the plane tickets will be wasted. Coco can't go so it won't be as fun..... decision decision decision.

tirsdag 15. mars 2011

A few thoughts

Japan, I offer you my sympathy.


A colleague (Norwegian) told me as we walk down to the cantine: "You need to go back to China and defend your country now, it looks like Japan will have no chance but to invade another country for some living space......"

Well, I doubt that the Chinese army will accept me since I have a foreign passport, and besides, what is Japan going to invade with? Seems like they are quite busy at the moment....

Which brings me back to a conversation over the dining table yesterday...


Coco's cousin has some symptoms of a 港孩 even though she is 24 already. She isn't too interested in things in general. So to encourage her to think more, I like to bring up some interesting questions to "force" her to think.

Topic of the dinner: Who should be considered a "Chinese".

She with Chinese parents and is a citizen of China of course is a Chinese, but what about me who is Norwegian by nationality but is born in China? What about my son who has Chinese parents but is born here?

If birth country counts, then what about a British couple gave birth to a baby in China and then brought the baby home after 6 months? The baby wouldn't speak a single word of Chinese and has the appearance of a European.

It did got her thinking, but as expected, her final answer is: "I don't know"


When I was waiting at the airport for my mother-in-law and cousin-in-law, I saw 2 consecutive finance news:

"The market in the USA is expecting business opportunities for reconstructing Japan after the earthquake and thus Dow Jones went up by 0.x%"

"The Norwegian market is worried that Japan's earthquake will weight down the economy and so the market went down by 0.x%"

Seems like the commentators have a reason for everything.


I am under some stress, but at the end I realize that it is just stress, nothing more. So I have activated the stress relieving process. Live my life day by day, and see how it goes.


I want to watch a movie tonight. Preferably a movie that I have watched before so that I don't have to think too much. "The Prestige" sounds good.