onsdag 31. desember 2008













0點30分:講了晚安之後,就寫了這個Blog entry.

在這裏我想跟所有看到這個blog的人說聲新年快樂。尤其是卡臣劉朗Daniel, 很高興可以在08年回香港的時候跟你們見面。希望來年(應該說是今年,已經過了12點了)再有機會跟你們和其他的網友(Bottle,Eric,Hana,Singer,Snowysoso,Viking,佚名 ,行姐)聚一聚。

tirsdag 30. desember 2008

2008 -> 2009

In 2008, I......

- got married
- switched job
- crashed my car
- met up with an old friend

In 2009, I hope to......

- start a business or go back to school
- passed the SCJP exam
- become a father soon
- lose my "spare tire"

In 2008, I have been to.......

- Stockholm, Sweden
- 重庆, China
- Füssen, Germany
- Salzburg, Austria
- Venice, Italy
- Locarno, Interlaken, Genevè, Switzerland
- Bergen, Norway
- Düsseldorf, Germany

In 2009, I would like to go to........
- Namsos, Norway
- North Cape, Norway
- Cyprus
- Bombay, India

For 2009, I wish that ...........

- the financial tsunami will be over
- my parents can finally retire
- my sister can finally finish her study and support herself
- Coco can get a job, make new friends and settle down in Norway
- a friend would come and visit me in Norway

I hope I am not wishing for too much.

Boring day #2

Not much to do in the office again, posting this song to share, a song that came to my mind at this very moment:

onsdag 24. desember 2008

聖誕交叉BLOG:牛市股神特別醒, 熊市燈神特別多

一年容易又聖誕,最好嘅當然係玩大鐵鎚嘅聖誕交叉 blog 啦。市場維京人嘅第一個 blog 係講股票嘅,喺度都係忍唔住要講下個市。如果冇興趣,可以去 iPhone 維京人 ,睇下最新嘅 SimCity on iPhone 有幾好玩都得,哈哈。

回顧番上年 2007年呢個時候,恆指啱啱由十月份嘅高位三萬二千點左右大幅回落至約兩萬六千點。跌幅雖然大,但睇番 2007年年頭恆指只不過喺萬八點左右升上嚟,一年埋單計數其實升唔少,約有8000 點。既然賺錢咁容易,市面瀰漫住一股好濃厚嘅消費意欲。當其時大家仲覺得個市跌咗咁多,應該差唔多啩。仲有唔少人諗住入貨博反彈。



老實講,雖然阿爺出晒飲奶嘅力撐港,但內地個市其實家下好嚴峻。自己都未攪掂,仲要出多14 招挺港,睇嚟都係望梅止渴居多。特區政府班子其實又點會唔知吖,如果唔係阿唐唐都唔駛走出嚟食碗麵俾你睇,落力叫人如果有能力就適當消費駛多 D 錢。

仲有幾日2008年就會玩完,2009年如無意外第一季應該會如大家估計一樣:衰到貼地。家下有 D 口痕友話香港越衰,阿爺俾嘅 JETSO 就越大。唉,睇嚟回歸呢幾年大家都變咗伸手派。香港仔 (或女),唔該幫幫忙爭氣,唔係嘅話阿爺睇唔過眼最多唔鬼睬你。

小弟一如既往喺自己個 blog 度 講持續睇淡,恆指有機會未來半年有機會見四位數。當大家睇到個市冇乜希望之時,就係名副其實嘅寒冬,至於會唔會係「深寒」,就真係要過埋年先至喇。嚟緊呢年阿爺要慶祝六十大壽,咁就緊係希望可以安然渡過啦。估計2009年會係波濤洶湧嘅一年,因為經濟差同埋救市呢兩大力量會互相鬥法,相信短炒都係小注算數。

喺度祝各位有個愉快嘅聖誕節同埋新年!唔知邊個 blog 會咁唔好彩登呢篇交叉 blog post 呢?

Merry X'mas and Happy New Year! Cheers!

by: 市場維京人

tirsdag 23. desember 2008


Day before Christmas eve, in Norwegian we call today the little Christmas Eve (Lille juleaften).

Party went on till 3 last night. Had to carry a drunk girl to my car, pray that she doesn't puke in my car, and have to carry her to her house. (The whole time I was carrying her I was just thinking about Carson, had him been here, his 42 inch bicept would have been pretty useful). Despite her 42 kg body, it was not an easy task for me.

So I went to the office with only 4 hours of sleep. Shouldn't be a problem consider that fact that I expect today to be a slow day and I should be able to leave early. Only to discover that a crisis was waiting for me. My boss told me to check my email before I even sat down and I realize that some of the files didn't run correctly during the test yesterday. So I have to analyze the files to find the error and then try to fix it. That took me the whole morning. The good thing is that I don't feel a bit sleepy.

Then my boss told me during lunch that the client have to figure out if they can run another test today after I attempt to solve the problem (the error happens when they push 10,000 contract deals into the system at the same time, now that's what I call stress test) So in order to test it again, they have to simulate this scenario and that takes time. As of right now I am still waiting for their answer regarding the possibility of running another test. My boss, who left after lunch, will call me about that and I am to stay in the office until he calls me. Bah!

Most of the people were gone by 2, my boss left the canteen and went straight home for some last minute Christmas shopping. The manager left after a dart game with me and the other people quickly followed. So I have been sitting in the office alone for the past 2 hours and waiting for my boss' call while doing some random monitoring work. It is so boring here that I want to sleep and puke.

Here is a song to cheer us up a bit:

Take on me:

We're talking away
I don't know what
I'm to say I'll say it anyway
Today's another day to find you
Shying away
I'll be coming for your love, OK?

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

So needless to say
I'm odds and ends
But that's me stumbling away
Slowly learning that life is OK.
Say after me
It's no better to be safe than sorry

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

Oh the things that you say
Is it life or
Just a play my worries away
You're all the things I've got to
You're shying away
I'll be coming for you anyway

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two

torsdag 18. desember 2008




我们去商场是想去买冰雕的工具。因为ERIK看了电视LOST IN CHINA讲哈尔滨的冰雕,这里的温度也降到了零下8度,他把家里大桶小盆里都装了水拿去阳台冰着,准备周末大干一场。在MAXBO逛着逛着,看到墙纸,心想换个墙纸换个感觉。最近一直在想装修的事,很想试试看。于是临时决定装修我们一间房间,我想把它装成书房,或者会客厅,看个书,喝个咖啡或者下午茶什么的。想想便对ERIK说,你有冰雕玩具,我呢?我的玩具在哪里?找了三大理由,一为娱乐,二为圣诞节装饰,三为家更美观,一箭三雕,好处多多。选来选去,摒除以前墙纸以白黄为主,选了迷人的红酒色,既给寒冷的冬天添抹暖色,又象红木一样沉稳,适合做书房。很好,自我陶醉了一番就买了一堆。




14:00 我们又咚咚咚地跑去商场买了胶水和刷子,询问的刷胶水的技巧,打道回府。






onsdag 17. desember 2008


今天开始了一个新PROJECT, 自己在新公司的第一个PROJECT. 客人是瑞典人, 本来想到用英文跟他谈(尤其是在座有一个德国来的, 来了挪威两年但他的挪威文不比我差), 但全部在坐的挪威人都好像听的懂他说什么, 那就没理由要全村人就我一个吧. 那就只好硬着头皮去听. 后来居然发现我原来也听的懂一点点, 听起来好像挪威语的乡下话. 最后终于熬过了.


Linkin Park 的 "In the end"

tirsdag 16. desember 2008

Perfect Score

Played 501 of dart with my co-worker yesterday. After 8 rounds I have 180 points left (yeah, I am not that good), and then the miracle happened. The first dart landed on triple 20, and then the next one landed right next to the first one, also in the triple 20, and then the third one looks like to end up on the triple 1, but then got knocked back into the triple 20 by the dart on the board. And so I have scored a perfect round of 180 for the first time in my life.

Where is the triple 20? It is that smaller piece of red under the 20, above the bullseye. (The larger piece of red right under the number 20 is the double 20, you get 40 points for hitting that)

Game rule for 501:

1. Aim of the game

Each player starts with 501 points. The number of points collected while hitting a board with a dart is subtracted from the given player's points. The winner is the player who scores exactly 0 points that way.

It is a double out game, which means that players must hit a double that makes their score exactly zero to win the game. We don't play with this rule, otherwise it would be too difficult.
2. Bust

In case of a bust the player's score from the previous turn is restored. There is bust if the following events arise:

* The player scores more points in the active turn, than his current score (subtracting would result in a negative score)

3. End of the game

Players continue playing until one of them scores 0 points in total. The player who does so, wins the game.

If none of the players gets to zero in 20 turns, the player with the lower point wins.

If the scores are equal after 20 turns, the game will continue for another possible 10 turns.

During these extra turns, the player who gets to zero obviously wins. A player with lower score any time after the 20th turn also wins the match.

If the scores are equal after 20+10 turns, the match will end in a draw.

onsdag 10. desember 2008

衣櫃裏的狐狸 by Carson








臨sent出短訊時,沙漠狐偷望到電話屏幕上顯示「豬B [9124 1921]」,
咦?!9124 1921呢個電話號碼......咁熟嘅?!
可怒也!9124 1921係沙漠狐自己老婆Coody嗰電話號碼!

他按電話號碼,按到9124 192第七個號碼時,
才突然驚覺:老婆電話號碼是9124 1927而非9124 1921!


Killer Desertfox聽後,隨手在口袋中取出一張鈔票,把它撕碎,手心一張,鈔票碎片四散風中。


lørdag 6. desember 2008

Red Ribbon


作詞:黃偉文 作曲:陳光榮 編曲:陳光榮

誰人在全世界慶祝之時 在戰火中逃亡等天處置
但我卻正與你 佈置派對營造細雪降下時

* 我已有禮物他有嗎 當我要喝便有茶 不快樂嗎
若然我快樂有餘可轉贈嗎 若與他分享更歡樂嗎

轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網
同時在遙遠處有許多人 垃圾堆中流連饑荒處處
但我卻正與你 吃喝說笑然後跳進了泳池

Repeat *

個個有禮物他有嗎 休假約約下午茶 不快樂嗎
結起紅絲帶提自己 共他分可以嗎

fredag 5. desember 2008


I just remembered that I am suppose to write a post to describe the concept of 同居 (Samboerskap in Norwegian) in Norway.

Unlike HK or US, where people live together to see if they are compatible before marriage, Norwegians get into "Samboerskap" for as long they want. (I have had co-workers who are in this for 20+ years.)

How do you define that? You are officially in "Samboerskap" if you and your partner have the same registered address or you two have a child together.

Interesting enough we actually talked about this at lunch today. One asked if there is a difference between "Samboerskap" and marriage, the answer was simply it takes more paperwork to depart. Other than that, there are basically no difference. Well...... not quite.

If you are married, and you want to file a divorce, you have to split EVERYTHING half half. Where as if you are not married, and if you want to depart, you just have to share everything you accumulate during the time you two are together. That's why people think thrice before they get married.

Among my 20 classmates from middle school. 10 already have children but just three (including myself) is married as of today. So the concept of "Samboerskap" has kept both the marriage and divorce rate low in Norway.

onsdag 3. desember 2008
















mandag 1. desember 2008

Bombay shooting

This email was passed on to me by my friend who lives in Bombay (Mumbai), India.

Written by an Insead student…

Dear friends,

First, I wanted to thank you all for the incredible concern and support that you'll have given me over the past few days which have been among the most emotionally and psychologically draining of my life.

By the grace of God my father was rescued from the Oberoi on Friday with two (minor) bullet wounds and is now speedily recovering. He did however lose the two best friends he was dining with that fateful night (who are like godfathers to me). We also lost a lot of other friends and colleagues and have watched our beloved city reduced to a war zone and brought to its knees.

On Wednesday night, my father and his two friends arrived at the Indian restaurant on the first floor of the Oberoi Hotel for dinner at about 10pm. They had barely sat down when they heard gun shots in the lobby of the hotel. The terrorists, armed with AK-47s, grenades and plastic explosives, had entered the hotel and were executing everybody sitting in the ground floor restaurant. Realizing the situation, the staff of the restaurant my father was in asked them to quickly exit through the kitchen. As the guests tried to rush into the kitchen, one terrorist burst into the restaurant and began to shoot anyone that remained in the restaurant. At this point my father was in the kitchen and along with his two friends rushed to the fire exit. They had barely descended a few steps when they were trapped from both ends by terrorists.

The terrorists then rounded up anyone alive (about 20 people) and made them climb the service staircase to the 18th floor. On reaching the 18th floor landing they made the people line up against a wall. One terrorist then positioned himself on the staircase going up from the landing and the other on the staircase going down from the landing. Then, in a scene right out of the Holocaust, they simultaneously opened fire on the people. My father was towards the center of the line with his two friends on either side. Out of reflex, or presence of mind, he ducked as soon as the firing began. One bullet grazed his neck, and he fell to the floor as his two friends and several other bodies piled on top of him. The terrorists then pumped another series of bullets into the heap of bodies to finish the job. This time a bullet hit my father in the back hip. Bent almost in double, crushed by the weight of the bodies above him, and suffocating in the torrent of blood rushing down on him from the various bodies my father held on for ten minutes while the terrorists left the area. When he finally had the courage to wiggle his arms he found that there were four other survivors in the room. They communicated to each other by touch as they were too afraid to make a sound. My father moved just enough to allow himself room to breathe and then lay still. The survivors passed over twelve hours lying still in the heap of bodies too afraid to move. They constantly heard gunfire and hand grenades going off in the other parts of the hotel. They feared that any noise would bring the terrorists back. After approximately twelve hours, the terrorists returned with a camera and flashlight and joked and laughed as they filmed what they thought was a pile of dead bodies. They then moved to the landing below where they set up explosives. On their departing, my father decided that it was too risky to remain where they were due to the explosives. Along with the other three survivors he climbed the rest of the stairwell, where they discovered a large HVAC plant room in which they decided to take shelter. They passed the rest of the siege hiding in this room trying to get the attention of the outside world by waving a makeshift flag out of the window. They drank sips of dirty water from the Air Conditioning unit to survive. Finally on Friday morning they were spotted by a commando rescue team that was storming the building and were evacuated to safety and taken to the hospital.

This is just one of the countless horror stories that unfolded in those two days. There are many stories of entire families being wiped out while eating their dinner, or young kids losing both parents, or pregnant women being shot while pleading for their lives, or hostages being beaten to death with the butt of a rifle so that their faces were unrecognizable. The terrorists attacked on every level. They killed middle class workers when they shot up the railway station, they killed the elite in the hotels, they killed tourists and kids as they ate in a café, and they killed the sick and dying when they stormed three hospitals. They shot people in the roads, in stations, in hotels, and even entered an apartment building. They killed Indians, Americans, Britons, Israelis, and several other nationalities. They killed men, women, children, policemen, firemen, doctors, patients. This was systematic, cold-blooded, slaughter.

We have lost a lot of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. Every person who lives in South Mumbai has a story about how either they or someone they love either died or had a narrow escape. The true extent of the horror will only make itself clear over the next few days.

Mumbai is a proud city and we pride ourselves on bouncing back from any adversity. We survive and prosper despite all the difficulties placed on us. We are no strangers to terror and have had to pick up the pieces and move on after several attacks. This time however, the sheer scale and audacity brought the city to its knees. The openness of our society, the bustling hoards in our train stations, the vibrancy of our news media, and the thousands of tourists, diplomats, and business leaders packing our hotels was used against us to devastating effect.

In the end one tries to make sense of all this. Barack Obama said about the killers of 9/11: "My powers of empathy, my ability to reach into another's heart, cannot penetrate the blank stares of those who would murder innocents with such serene satisfaction."

Unfortunately, this is becoming an all familiar scene in today's world. While I cannot understand, I recognize again and again the hatred, anger, and desperation of the terrorists and the cold blooded, targeted, ruthlessness of those that dispatch them. They respect nothing but their own twisted beliefs and to achieve them have declared war on an entire way of life. India now finds itself as a major front of this global war.

How do we fight such hate? How do we inject humanity into such monstrosity? How do we convince those who think they kill in god's name that no God would condone such barbarity? How do we maintain our own values and humanity when faced with such hate and provocation?

Over the next week as we say goodbye to those we lost and help those that survive, Mumbai and India will ask themselves these questions. I hope the rest of the world does too.

I will remain in Mumbai for at least a week to help out with various things, after which I will probably return to complete P2 at INSEAD. Right now, though I miss all everyone at INSEAD, I cannot fathom sitting in a classroom.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.
