In 2008, I......
- got married
- switched job
- crashed my car
- met up with an old friend
In 2009, I hope to......
- start a business or go back to school (Small success)
- passed the SCJP exam (Failed)
- become a father soon (Success)
- lose my "spare tire" (Totally failed)
In 2008, I have been to.......
- Stockholm, Sweden
- 重庆, China
- Füssen, Germany
- Salzburg, Austria
- Venice, Italy
- Locarno, Interlaken, Genevè, Switzerland
- Bergen, Norway
- Düsseldorf, Germany
In 2009, I would like to go to........
- Namsos, Norway (Didn't go)
- North Cape, Norway (Didn't go)
- Cyprus (Didn't go)
- Bombay, India (Didn't go)
Instead I went to .......
- Beijing
- Chengdu
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Fjord in west Norway
For 2009, I wish that ...........
- the financial tsunami will be over (Wish somewhat come true)
- my parents can finally retire (Wish come true)
- my sister can finally finish her study and support herself (Wish did not come true)
- Coco can get a job, make new friends and settle down in Norway (Wish somewhat come true)
- a friend would come and visit me in Norway (Wish come true)
In 2010 I.........
- Will be a father
- Should finish my project
- Would try to amend the relationship with my sister
- Hope that Manchester United can overtake Chelsea for the EPL title
In 2010 I would like to visit.......
- Dublin, Ireland (Already bought the ticket)
- London (Work trip, unconfirmed)
- California again
昨天跟兒子到久沒探訪的大姐家拜年, 那種對環境户所久別再逢的感覺, 很深很深。十多年前我們春節都會到大姐家, 但自母親行動不便,
就改到媽在西營盤的居所團拜。初二那天, 到侄兒沙田的家團拜, 但兒子們有約, 未能留下晚飯, 沒能見到姑媽他們, 兒子昨天就提出到姑媽家拜年,
for 2 dager siden
6 kommentarer:
Happy New Year !
Wish you dream come true.
相信未來幾年你會忙於照孩子而不能遠遊, 朋友有了孩子後差不多三四年都未去旅行.
when are you going to Dublin?
Happy New Year everyone!
明天会去山上的度假屋跟老婆的朋友和他们的Baby玩, 非常期待中.
如果有个健康可爱的BB陪我的话, 我不去旅行也没有关系啦.
March 12 to March 14. Are you going to be there as well?
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