Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
十多年后听这首歌, 感觉非常不同. 现在的我, 已经完全脱离学生的生活.
I am now an outsider looking in.
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
15/2 續情人節
我是個不拘形式, 不滯於限的人,上個月兩條仔請我的生日飯,到 15/2 那天才食,真的沒所謂。
for 4 uker siden
7 kommentarer:
Some teachers really shouldn't be teaching, they killed off the creativity of students to establish their power. Watching this video as a rebellious teenager really strikes me.
pink floyd 同 alan parker.....勁呀!
我細個唔識英文,但係都聽得出" hey teachers leave the kids alone!"
THW WALL !!!!!!!
上次roger waters來港, 仍然震撼 !!!
70-80年代初, 社會仍然有radical既存在空間, deschooling係其中一個議題, 一講deschooling, 就會唱呢首歌 !
另外还看了他们演奏的MV, 真的很不错.
听得出Teachers leave the kids alone而没有听到We don't need no education?
小时候反叛, 听这个很有共鸣.
现在很多地方的教育制度, 真的让人想起这首歌.
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